Version 1.1.0 Enhancement Update

Version 1.1.0 Enchncement Update


-Fixed a bug where some bullets didn't hit anything

-Resolved the "flickering lights" render bug

-Increased enemy death particles

-Added an animation every time your high score is exceeded

-Changed the death screen with points

-Increased the size of the written points and the high score

-Fixed map walls

-Slightly zoomed the camera

-Fixed bug of some enemies that could not be hit

-Changed the font of all the text

-Now when an enemy dies a camera effect shake plays

-Added music and SFX volume sliders

-Fixed the version name displayed on the phone settings

-Fixed some buttons sounds

-Slight performance improvement


TriangleAttack_-_1.1.0[1].apk 122 MB
Sep 15, 2021

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